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6 Tips to Help you prepare your apartment for the Holidays
Photo courtesy of unsplash
Photo courtesy of unsplash
Rach'el Anderson's
Thursday, Nov. 19, 2020

The holidays are almost here! Many of our festivities will look a little different this year so now is the time to make it your own and create a special day for your family. Here are a few tips to get you, and your apartment, ready for the holiday season:

Check your appliances

If you only cook during the holiday, chances are that you don't recall the last time you checked that your cooktop, oven, or garbage disposal works? Make sure all your appliances are in working order before the big day. Please submit a service request on MyCamden or by calling your Camden community office if any of your apartment appliances are not working. Our maintenance team is happy to help!


Gather Your Recipes

Your grandmother or your favorite aunt may not be able to travel to your apartment this year. That doesn’t mean their famous mac and cheese, or delicious apple pies can’t make an appearance. Have your family share their yummy recipes so you can make sure you have them on your table. You can even schedule a Zoom or Facetime session so they can walk you thru how to make it exactly how they would!


Photo courtesy of August de Richelieu from Pexels

Shop early

Stuffing, casserole, turkey, oh my! You need a lot of ingredients to make so many side dishes and main courses! Make a list of everything you need and head to the grocery store. You know it will be hectic a few days before the holiday, so head to the store a week or two in advance to pick up all your non-perishable items. You can also place a Shipt or InstaCart order if you are avoiding large crowds. Delivery right to your apartment door!

Place your orders

Are you not making everything from scratch? Have you ever gone to your local bakery and they are out of your favorite pie the day before the holiday?  Place your holiday orders early! Order your loaves of bread, pies, sides, and turkey as soon as possible. Avoid the last-minute rush and missing out on one of your favorite items! Many places are delivering or have curbside pickup for your convenience.


Photo courtesy of Tima Miroshnichenko from Pexels

Dinner Time!

Our Camden apartment is usually full of activity during the holidays. Friends, family, and neighbors all stop by. This year that may not be able to happen, so we are all getting creative. One way is to plan to sit down to dinner at the same time and hop on a Zoom call, so you can virtually still be around the table together. One of my favorite traditions on Thanksgiving is to go around the table and say what we are thankful for. With our family and friends on a Zoom call, this tradition can still happen.

Get out and Trot

Turkey or Reindeer Trot, that is! Plan to get outside and exercise on Thanksgiving or throughout the holiday. Many local charities are still doing their Annual Turkey/Reindeer Trots – but virtually! A Trot will allow you and your family to get outdoors, enjoy the fall weather, and work off that holiday feast. Your family coast-to-coast can sign up and all trot together. Send pictures on your family text chain of you crushing your trot!

Soon we will be welcoming our families, some virtually, into our homes and saying what we are thankful for.  I hope these easy prep tips make your holiday smooth and less stressful. All Camden employees wish you a safe and happy holiday season!

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