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Your Inside Scoop on CoWork by Camden: Holiday Edition
Photo courtesy of
Photo courtesy of
By Guest Blogger
Saturday, Dec. 28, 2019

Have you heard of our innovative coworking space, CoWork by Camden? If not, read the exciting blog about its opening in Summer 2019. Are you curious to know what it’s like to be a CoWork by Camden member? You’re in luck. Follow along with me as I dive in and show you how CoWork is creating #communityredefined!

business card tree


Photo courtesy of Madison Kash.

In this edition, I bring to you an insider scoop of what attending CoWork by Camden’s Holiday Happy Hour was like! After a hard-working year, who doesn’t enjoy a fun holiday happy hour? Members and special guests enjoyed this last CoWork by Camden event of the year.

When I arrived, I was greeted by Brittany – the CoWork by Camden Coordinator. She and I talked about what her favorite part of being the CoWork by Camden Coordinator is and she said, “The community we’ve already built here. Creating meaningful connections between our members is definitely the best part.” In addition to making members and visitors feel welcome, Brittany runs the community Instagram page! Be sure to follow at @CoWorkbyCamden!


Photo courtesy of CoWork by Camden.

As CoWork by Camden members wrapped up their Wednesday work, everyone began to mingle in the common area. Holiday treats were served and while individual members have their own business to tend to during the day, the happy hour was a time of camaraderie, coming together to celebrate the holiday season. There was a photo booth, Christmas cookies, champagne, local beer and the Christmas tunes were in full swing.

group photo


Photo courtesy of CoWork by Camden Instagram.

There were also some special guests on hand so attendees could get a little holiday shopping done while attending the event all while sharing the community vibe with other local business owners. The special guests had pop up tables around the room. Kendra Scott displayed a table of gemstones and jewelry with champagne and cookies, Coordinates Coffee prepped their espresso machine and set up festive holiday décor. And Roses and Azalea propped up a gorgeous display of beauty and skin care products. Looking around the event, it was clear that welcoming mutually-beneficial business is part of what makes the CoWork by Camden space so special.

Kendra Scott


Photo courtesy of Cowork by Camden Instagram.

Coordinates Coffee


Photo courtesy of Cowork by Camden Instagram.

Roses and Azalea


Photo courtesy of Cowork by Camden Instagram.

Roses and Azalea


Photo courtesy of Madison Kash.

I know…now you’re sad you missed the holiday happy hour! But it’s ok! There are plenty of upcoming CoWork by Camden events in 2020 that you will not want to miss! Follow CoWork by Camden on Facebook and Instagram so you can put them on your 2020 calendar.


CoWork by Camden Instagram


Photo courtesy of Madison Kash.

And stay tuned for more insider experiences from CoWork by Camden. Next time, I’ll share what it is like to work at this great coworking space in the heart of Charlotte! Follow along here on the Simply Camden Blog.

P.S. Did you know that Camden apartment residents get a special discount at CoWork by Camden? Call CoWork by Camden or stop by to see the space, meet some CoWorkers and learn more!

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