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How to Keep your Pets Safe this Summer
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Photo courtesy of created with Canva
By Guest Blogger
Saturday, Jul. 6, 2019

The “Dog Days of Summer” are upon us and that means it’s hot! For those who live in a Camden community near the coast, hurricane season is also in full swing. Summertime is meant to be fun for you and your furry friend. However, you should make sure to take some extra precautions during the season.

Heat safety

As temperatures rise pet owners should make sure to prevent their pets from overheating. At Camden Denver West and many other Camden communities, dogs have access to a water fountain in the Bark Park. Make sure your pet has access to plenty of fresh, clean water, especially when spending time outdoors. If you’re spending time away from home, there are plenty of dog-friendly water bottles or collapsible bowls that are easily carried during a hike. Make sure to also provide shade for your pup, many Bark Parks like the one at Camden San Marcos have umbrellas or awnings to get some much-needed coverage from the sun.

Shaded Dog Park and Dog Water Fountain

Photo courtesy of Pro tip: Try freezing an apple sauce for an inexpensive frozen treat to help cool down

Summer time can be a great time to change up your routine a little. Opt for walking your dog in the early morning or late evening to avoid the hottest parts of the day. Asphalt temperatures can heat up quickly and can lead to burned paw pads. If your pup likes to go everywhere with you, remember to never leave your pets in a parked vehicle as it can lead to a fatal heat stroke and is even illegal in several states!


Grooming and Pests

Not only is grooming your pet good for managing pesky pet hair within your home but its also important in preventing overheating. Although it can be good to trim longer hair on your dogs, you should never shave your dog. The layers from their coats protect them from overheating and sunburn.

Fleas prefer higher temperatures and higher levels of humidity, so you may see them more frequently in summer months. By regularly grooming your pet at a Camden Pet Spa, like the one at Camden Flatirons, you can easily monitor flea activity.  You can prevent fleas through a variety of oral and topical solutions, make sure to talk to your vet about which is best for your pet! Most of our Camden communities offer pest control services so if you feel you may have brought a critter home with you submit a service request right away!

Hurricane Pet Prep Photo Collage

Hurricane Safety

For the Camden communities located near the coast, hurricanes can be a real pain. Don’t forget when stocking up on food and water that you remember your pet’s essentials.  Make sure to stock at least a weeks’ worth of food in an airtight, waterproof container. It’s also important to have copies of any important documents, vaccination records, and an updated picture easily available.

In the event of an evacuation never leave your pet behind. Make sure to check with your local government for pet friendly shelters that can accommodate your whole family before the storm hits. If you’re not headed to a shelter, there are many Animal Medical Centers that offer pet boarding during severe weather as well.

With these simple tips you can keep your pets safe during the summer season. For other pet-friendly tips and tricks check out our Simply Camden Blog.

Summer Pet Safety Info-graphic

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