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5 Important Places to Clean this Spring!
Photo courtesy of cottonbro from Pexels
Photo courtesy of cottonbro from Pexels
Rach'el Anderson's
Friday, Apr. 2, 2021

Once a year, Spring rolls around, and our dreams become filled with warm weather, blooming flowers, and... spring cleaning? Yes, spring cleaning! Now is the time to tackle those projects you have been putting off all winter. It's more than dusting your ceiling fans and deep cleaning your bathroom. It is a thorough cleaning of the places you don't often think about. Make sure you spring clean these five spaces in your Camden apartment home this year!

1. Refrigerator

We use our refrigerator all the time, multiple times a day! We get a drink, store leftovers, spill sauces, and let expired food get stinky in the back of a drawer. Now is the time to clean the shelves and drawers in the fridge. Wipe them all down and make sure you don’t forget the walls of the fridge too. In the process of cleaning the inside, you can also remove and organize everything in your fridge as well. I am sure you will find leftovers that you should have eaten three weeks ago!


Photo courtesy of Camden Downtown in Houston, TX

2. Food Pantry

After a few trips to the grocery store, I know that my neat and organized pantry starts to look like a mess. Now is a perfect time to organize your pantry and throw away items you don’t need anymore or that are way past their shelf life. You would be surprised how much expired food is taking up space on your shelves. Toss out those stale chips and get organized!


Photo courtesy of Camden Grandview Townhomes in Charlotte, NC

3. Laundry Room

The laundry room is where your single socks go to live at the bottom of the laundry basket, or your dirty clothes lay until it is washing day. Or maybe it’s become your junk/laundry room, and it’s overwhelming to be in. Give your laundry room the TLC it needs. Wash all items you have lying around, clean out those baskets and give your machines a good wipe down.


Photo courtesy of Camden Buckhead in Atlanta, GA

4. Clothes Closet(s)

Going through your closet takes time, and it’s something that can quickly get out of control. We all have those jeans we’re saving with high hopes of one day fitting back into. If those high hopes have been keeping those jeans hostage for over a year, is it worth it? Face it; there’s someone out there who could use those jeans more than you. So, take the time to declutter your closet and give it some more breathing room.


Photo courtesy of Camden Buckhead in Atlanta, GA

5. Pet Beds

We love our four-legged friends! How many times have you taken Fido to play at the dog park and not bathed them after? They are usually so tired from chasing their pup friends around that they go lay down right in their beds. When was the last time you washed or replaced your pets’ bed? We wash our sheets many times throughout the year, and our pups deserve a nice clean bed to sleep on too! Don’t want to wash their bed in your apartment appliances? Take it to a local laundromat and pay a few dollars to get it freshened up there.


Photo courtesy of Camden LaVina in Orlando, FL

Congrats! You have tackled, organized, decluttered and cleaned some big areas in your apartment! Need some more cleaning tips? Check out these three simple steps to make your apartment sparkle.

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